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  • Grain Me


Updated: Apr 27, 2022

There's editing and then there's over-editing when it comes to post-production. Because Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom are such powerful picture editing apps, there's a fine line between over-processed and just-right images.

Photo editing may be divided into three categories.

There's an over edit, a subtle edit, and a "please no filter" section. When it comes to editing images, photographers are often overly excited, leading with a slew of unnecessary adjustments.

They feel like it's OK at the moment, but it's actually "over edited," and here are the 5 indicators of overedited photos:

1- Unrealistic Highlights & Shadows : This causes extra noise and causes the image to appear flat.

2- Using Too Much Contrast : Contrast reigns supreme. It is quite significant. It has the power to create or break a photo.

3- Over-Sharpening & Clarity : the image had a gritty, rough, over-texturized aspect to it, which looked terrible.

4- Extreme Vignetting : This is something that a lot of newcomers struggle with. In the next article, I am going to share my 4 top street photographers and how they changed completely my vision to photography (Sneak Peak, Billy Dinh is one of them).

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